Research Interests
Automorphic forms, in particular, Jacobi forms and Hilbert modular forms. General reciprocity, Hecke Gauss sums. Hilbert Theory modular groups. Weil representations.
Research Monographs
- Boylan, H. Jacobi forms, finite quadratic modules and Weil representations over number fields. volume 2130 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Monograph). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2015).
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa, N.-P. Explicit formulas for Hecke Gauss sums in quadratic number fields. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 80, 213-226 (2010).
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa N.-P. Linear characters of SL_2 over Dedekind domains. J. Algebra 373 120-129 (2013) arXiv:1205.4288 [math.NT]
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa, N.-P. A quick proof of reciprocity for Hecke Gauss sums. J. Number Theory 133 110–114 (2013).
- Boylan, H. Finite quadratic modules over number fields and their associated Weil representations RIMS Kôkyûroku (Proc. RIMS) 1871 125-136 (2013).
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa, N.-P., Zhou, H. Counting zeros in quaternion algebras using Jacobi forms Transactions of AMS, Volume 371 (9), 6487-6509 (2019).
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa, N.-P., A classical approach to relative quadratic extensions arXiv:2208.03515 [math.NT] (preprint, 2022) .
- Boylan, H., Skoruppa, N.-P., Jacobi Forms of Lattice Index I. Basic Theory arXiv:2309.04738 [math.NT] (preprint, 2023).
- Boylan, H., Jacobi-Eisenstein series over number fields Journal of Number Theory, Volume 248, Pages 54-77 (2023).
- Boylan, H., The adjoint of the nullwert map on Jacobi forms of lattice index. (submitted for publication, 2023).